2017-09-25 - Slippery Slope


~3.3 miles @ ~12.5 min/mi

"You're on a slippery slope!" the Dawn Patrol warns Molly. She's recovered from her last week's ~2.8 mile trek and does ~3.3 today at a brisk ~12.5 min/mi pace. Kristin reminisces about her first double-digit adventure run. Caitlin recounts when she was lured into the 15+ mile zone. Will Molly slip further beyond the 5k distance, to marathons and then beyond? Caveat cursor! For old time's sake the gang follows the hallowed "Ed's Loop" route around the neighborhood. As we finish a tangerine sunrise portends a Code Orange air quality day.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-10-25